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Making the Internet Accessible

The internet allows us to shop, pay bills, watch series easily for those who have no difficulties or restrictions. But unfortunately, the reality for millions of people is not the same. Learn how to build a more accessible internet.

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Styling faster with Tailwind CSS 🍃

Tailwind emerged in 2017, survived the hype of new technologies and it is now present in many projects and in the standard installation of frameworks, as NextJS. Tailwind makes styling much simpler, faster, and enjoyable.

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Explaining all React Hooks with examples

React Hooks were released two years ago on React version 16.8. It's not so common to see the usage of all of them but they might be very useful to simplify a feature or improve the performance in our application.

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Replacing Redux with React Hooks

In 2019 I was learning how to use React Hooks and decided to replace the Redux library with React Hooks to manage the state of a simple application that I was building at that time. I didn’t know how I would do that, however, in the end, it worked pretty well. I kept the concepts […]

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Mocking your requests like a pro

Mocking your back-end's requests on front-end side might by very useful on development and I'll show you two ways you can do this. […]

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Infinite scroll with React Hooks

Infinite scroll is not usual to see on websites nowadays but it may be very useful to show a list without pagination or user interaction. […]

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